Frank Sinatra – The Family Feud Over His Fortune – Part 2 – Ep. 127

For part two on the Frank Sinatra story, Life’s Third Act host, Joe Cordell focuses on the iconic singer’s later career successes, his legacy, and the looming family feud that surrounded the $300 million Sinatra fortune.

As the world grieved Sinatra’s passing in 1998, the battle for his estate was just beginning. Unfortunately, things weren’t all easy listening for the Sinatra children, who had developed contentious relationships with their father’s multiple spouses. Frank had left much of his estate to his wife Barbara, while the Sinatra clan felt that their father was not generous enough to them in his will. See how the dust settled in this classic case of the kids versus the stepmother with millions hanging in the balance. All that and more in the latest installment of Life’s Third Act with Joe Cordell.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at Tucker Allen.


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