Dealing With Financial Pressure Amid COVID-19 [Episode 169]

Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell and co-host Jill Enders are joined by John Smallwood, president of Smallwood Wealth Management and author of “It’s Your Wealth – Keep it: The Definitive Guide to Growing, Protecting, Enjoying, and Passing on Your Wealth,” to discuss ways of overcoming financial pressures amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

They highlight how lifetime events that occur in the financial market can cause major setbacks that can be felt in your accounts for years to come. John describes ways that people can stabilize their financial situation and restructure their plans.

John describes accurate ways to determine how much money one may need to save, in order to retire, as well as steps that one can take, in order to reduce the financial stress on them or their family.

He navigates how much of a burden taxes can be when it comes to navigating a financial landscape with retirement on the horizon, as well as steps to take if someone has lost their job due to the pandemic.