Making Your House a Home for Life – Part 3 – EP. 68 – Life’s Third Act

Join us for the final piece of our three-part series in which Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell is discussing staying in the home that you are in for life. In part two, Mr. Cordell focused on the feasibility of your home and finances. In this episode, he’s tying it all together by discussing what will be the underlying legal framework to fund everything that has been touched on in this series.

Having the correct legal documents in place to stay in your home is one of the most important factors in reaching your goal. Putting your wishes put into legal documentation allows you to stay in control, no matter the outside influences. Mr. Cordell gives an overview of the importance of having a Durable Power of Attorney. He also touches on the in’s and out’s of a revocable trust.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

Making Your House a Home for Life – Part 2 – EP. 67 – Life’s Third Act

Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell is back this week bringing you part two of our three-part series focusing on staying in the home that you are in for life! Last week, Mr. Cordell gave an overview of how your long-term healthcare may look if you want to stay in your home, this week he is covering if your particular home is suitable for carrying you through until the end.

If you want to maximize the odds of staying in your home, it is important to think about the feasibility of the house itself. Proximity to regular destinations, the layout of the home, and accessibility to delivery and transportation services make all the difference. Mr. Cordell discusses and breaks down all of the different areas of financial feasibility, as well. What will your budget look like? Will you need to allocate extra funds for care? Are you prepared for the cost of living increases? Staying in your home for life may sound daunting, so we want to help you thoroughly prepare for this goal.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

Making Your House a Home for Life – Part 1 – EP. 66 – Life’s Third Act

Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell is bringing you a three-part series in which he focuses on staying in the home that you are in for life. Retirement facilities aren’t for everyone, which is why Mr. Cordell is examining what exactly it takes to reach the goal of forever staying in the place you call home.

In this series, Mr. Cordell will be discussing how to clarify what your goal is when it comes to staying in your home. Part 1 covers everything you need to know about the concern of developing potential health issues and how to cover all of your bases if you would like to remain in your home instead of a facility. He helps to define the difference between medical and custodial care, determine what kind of care you may potentially need, and the different care options you may encounter if you want to stay in your home.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

Major Mistakes That You May Be Making During Estate Planning – EP. 65 – Life’s Third Act

On today’s episode of Life’s Third Act, Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell is doing a deep dive on a recent article published in the Wall Street Journal titled, “The Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Wills” written by Cheryl Winokur Munk.

Mr. Cordell talks through the article breaking down and further detailing how these mistakes can affect your estate plan. He touches on topics such as forgetting digital assets, how mismatching beneficiaries can affect your planning, the importance of regularly updating your will, and more. With 60% of Americans not having an estate plan, according to the article’s author, Mr. Cordell discusses how crucial it is to get a proper will and trust in place to protect your assets and the future of your loved ones.

You can read the Wall Street Journal article here –

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

Lisa Marie Presley: The Importance of Will Validity – EP. 64 – Life’s Third Act

Join us on this episode of Life’s Third Act as TuckerAllen estate planning attorney Nina Windsor and Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell discuss the passing of Lisa Marie Presley and the concern over the validity of her will.

Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley and Priscilla Presley, passed away on January 12, 2023. After Lisa Marie inherited her father’s estate in 1993, she drafted a trust naming Priscilla Presley and Barry Siegal as trustees. However, a previously unknown 2016 amendment surfaced after Lisa’s passing, removing Priscilla and Barry and naming Lisa Marie’s two children as trustees. Ms. Windsor and Mr. Cordell discuss the ongoing contest by Priscilla Presley of the 2016 amendment. Together they cover topics such as drafting your will and trust, amendments to your trust, the importance of will validity, and more.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

Trusts: An Essential Piece of Your Estate Plan – EP. 63 – Life’s Third Act

Join us this week on Life’s Third Act as Attorney-CPA, Joe Cordell, gives us a full breakdown of one of the most essential pieces of your estate plan, trusts. A trust allows you to be very specific about how, when, and to whom your assets are distributed.

You may be asking, “Do I need a trust?” Mr. Cordell is here to answer that question and more. He touches on areas such as, what exactly a trust is, how it ebbs and flows down your family tree, and the differences between revocable and irrevocable trusts. The most crucial part of a trust is that you get to reach beyond your life to do important things for people you care about that they may not be able to do for themselves.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.


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The Basics of Asset Protection – An Introduction – EP. 62 – Life’s Third Act

Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell is back with another solo episode! This week on Life’s Third Act, Mr. Cordell is diving into the basics of asset protection. What is it, how does it help you, and how do you get started?

The way that asset protection is generally understood relates to the question of how you protect the property that you have accumulated from being taken during lawsuits of various types be it personal injury cases, creditors, and beyond. Safeguarding your personal assets is important as to ensure you are not leaving them vulnerable to potential threats. Mr. Cordell gives an overview of the general rules of asset protection and helps to identify some of the common tools that are used from the most exotic to the most simple. Structuring the ownership of your assets to safeguard them from potential future risks is one of the most practical and simple ways to protect yourself from taxation, seizure, and other losses.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

SECURE Act 2.0 – What’s New for Retirement Assets? – EP. 61 – Life’s Third Act

On this episode of Life’s Third Act, TuckerAllen estate planning attorney, Nina Windsor, sits down with Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell to discuss the SECURE Act 2.0. Enacted on December 29, 2022, SECURE Act 2.0 contains 300 pages with approximately 90 provisions. There is something within SECURE Act 2.0 for everyone to consider, which is why Ms. Windsor and Mr. Cordell have done a breakdown of the key points to help you understand and plan ahead.

SECURE Act 2.0 is a comprehensive legislation intended to expand and increase retirement savings. Joins us as Ms. Windsor and Mr. Cordell discuss how you may be affected, the changes that have happened to benefit lower-income individuals, and the clarifications that will be coming to many complex and confusing existing retirement plan rules.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

Lessons to be Learned from Anne Heche – EP. 60 – Life’s Third Act

This week on Life’s Third Act, TuckerAllen estate planning attorney, Nina Windsor, and co-host Jill Enders discuss the tragic death of Anne Heche and how her lack of an estate plan has made her untimely passing even more difficult for her loved ones.

Beloved actress Anne Heche, known best for her roles in “Donnie Brasco”, and “Six Days, Seven Nights”, passed away on August 11, 2022. Being that she died without a will, the administration of her estate was to be determined by California state laws, rather than by her own choice. Since Anne Heche had children from separate relationships this made the passing of her estate complicated. Ms. Windsor and Ms. Enders discuss the difficulties that come with not having a will, how the passing of Anne Heche’s estate may played out, and the importance of not just verbalizing your wishes, but putting them down on paper.

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.

Aging Gracefully: It’s Time to Embrace Your Golden Years – EP. 59 – Life’s Third Act

On this episode of Life’s Third Act, Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell and co-host Jill Enders are joined by Dr. Mary Flett, a clinical psychologist, and the author of the book series, “Aging With Finesse.” Together the group discusses Dr. Flett’s philosophy on aging with a positive outlook.

Aging is more than just a number and potential wrinkles. Dr. Flett guides us through how she helps older adults live their most fulfilling life after 50. She discusses the Five Pillars of Aging, how to approach the Golden Years with a positive outlook, and exactly why she doesn’t like the word “senior.”

If you have any questions about estate planning or elder law, get in touch with an attorney at TuckerAllen.